I must say I really like "button hunt" games, so I like to think I can help you with your game :). First of all, the game feels somewhat rushed. I think you should take time to make it visually appealing and have a much better menu interface. For example, a bar indicating what level the player is currently on and maybe a "health" system that penalizes players for a wrong answer. Some of your puzzles are unique, I really liked the animation one, but you need much more of them! The music quality was somewhat bad and I think you should find something more fitting. Maybe some sound effects, too? Needs some work, and I would like to play it again once you've improved it ! :)
Visuals - Nothing amazing, exciting or unique, unattractive menus.
Music- Not very fitting, but not horrible either
Gameplay- You can't go wrong with a point and click game. Some unique puzzles but not enough polish. Other puzzles just don't make any sense.